Leading actor Ali Ejaz became 77 runs in Lahore

Leading actor Ali Ejaz became 77 runs in Lahore

LAHORE (World News) - The famous actor of Pakistan Television and Film Industry, Ali Ejaz, has passed away before the attack on Lahore today. She was 77 years old.

Ali Ejaz worked in 28 films, while in his famous films, Khawaja and Sans and Khuj are included.

He stepped in in the field of acting in 1967 and his first film was 'Anatty', after which he had many Urdu and Punjabi films like Manjeel Jani, Yamila Jat, Jha Jhatta, Dubai Chall, Ashq Pacha and Friends Throughout his admission of his acting skills. .

His acting as comedy in various television plays like "Khawaja and Sans" Khawaja "and" Hair Ranj "stood outside the crowd.

Ali Ejaz had long been suffering from illness, but then he died in a heart attack. Tomorrow their funeral will be offered in Lahore.

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